Microsoft Access 2007
1. Pengenalan Tampilan Ms. Access 2007
2. Mengenal Ribbon sebagai User Interface
3. Langkah-langkah Membuat Tabel
4. Membuat Database Baru
5. Cara Mengekspor Data ke Ms. Excel
6. Cara Menampilkan atau Menyembunyikan Tab
7. Microsoft Access 2007
8. Microsoft Access 2007
9. Microsoft Access 2007
10. Microsoft Access 2007
11. Microsoft Access 2007
12. Microsoft Access 2007
13. Microsoft Access 2007
14. Microsoft Access 2007
15. Microsoft Access 2007
Select text tool and write whatever you want, make sure that text should be static text.
Convert in to movie clip symbol, then go to symbol editing mode.
Select that text and press Ctrl+B twice.
Press F6 (right click >> insert key Frame) then Select eraser tool, to write over the middle of that text.
Do the same process for every frame till your text is ended.
Save your work and press Ctrl+Enter to view your flash movie.
Effect 2:Fade-in Fade-out Text Effect
We can do this effect in both static and dynamic text.
Select text tool and write whatever you want
Convert into movie clip symbol “mc”.
Go to Insert >> new symbol then create new graphic symbol “rec”.
Make sure u r in “rec” editing mode, then draw rectangle 10x10px.
Go to “mc” editing mode.
Add new layer above the text layer, and then drag “rec” from the library.
Press F6 at 5th frame then go to property panel, reduce that alpha value to 0 , then select any frame between 1 to 5, right click >> createmotiontween..
Add next layer do that process 6 and 7, where that first tweening ended.
Repeat the process till letter ended.
Select all layers and apply the masking effect over that text.
Save your work and press Ctrl+Enter to view your flash movie.
Effect 3:Masking Text Effect
This tutorial helps to learn how text masks over the movie clip.
Select text tool, and write some text.
Then go to insert create graphic symbol “gr”.
Make sure still you are in “gr”.
Draw rectangle, then go to scene1.
Insert movie clip symbol “mc”, and then drag “gr” from library.
Press F6 (right click >> insert key Frame) at 15th frame, then select free transform tool, to enlarge “gr” horizontally. Select any frame between 1 to 15, right click >> createmotiontween.
Do that same process, free transformation of “gr” may what effect you want that is, it may left to right or right to left.
Go to scene 1, drag “mc” from library, and make sure “mc” is underneath of text layer.
Select the text layer and then apply the masking effect.
Save your work and press Ctrl+Enter to view your flash movie.
Effect 4:Bouncing Text with Shadow Effect
This tutorial teaches you to create shadow for text and how to make the text into an up and down animation.
Insert new movie clip symbol “mc”.
Select text tool then write any text what you want.
Copy that text, and insert new layer name as “shadow” then paste it, go to modify >> transform >> flip vertical, then drag that text under the original text, change the color in to gray.
Select the text and press Ctrl+B, similarly do the same process in shadow text also.
Select frame between 1-10 then press F6 or (right click >> insert key Frame) on both layers.
Then change the position of each text at each frame.
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